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Advice Notes & Resources

The Standards Commission provides training and support to councillors, members of devolved public bodies and other stakeholders to promote the Codes of Conduct and assist them in attaining the highest possible ethical standards.

Advice Notes

The Standards Commission has issued Advice Notes for stakeholders, covering different aspects of the Codes of Conduct and the ethical standards framework.

The following Advice Notes relate to the 2021 Councillors' and Model Codes of Conduct, which became effective on 7 December 2021. Should you require any Advice Notes relating to previous versions of the Codes of Conduct, please contact us via email: 

Advice Notes for Councillors

Councillors: Briefing Note on Right of Access to Information Held by the Council

14th February 2024

Councillors: Advice Note on Arm's Length External Organisations

1st December 2021

Councillors: Advice Note on Bullying and Harassment

9th November 2022

Councillors: Advice Note on Gifts and Hospitality

1st December 2021

Councillors: Advice Note on How to Declare Interests

1st December 2021

Councillors: Advice Note on Social Media

14th February 2024

Councillors: Conduct during Online Meetings

12th December 2022

Councillors: Advice Note on Article 10 ECHR

14th December 2023

Councillors: Summary Advice Note on Article 10 ECHR

26th July 2022

Councillors: Advice Note on Distinguishing Between their Strategic Role and any Operational Work

1st December 2021

Councillors: Advice Note on the Role of a Monitoring Officer

9th November 2022

Councillors: "Assisting Constituents" Card

1st December 2021

Councillors: Social Media Card

12th December 2022

Councillors: Attending Community Councils Card

12th December 2022

Advice Notes for Members

Members: Advice Note on the Role of a Standards Officer

8th April 2024

Members: Advice for College Sector Boards and Strategic Bodies

14th November 2023

Members: Advice for Chairs of Devolved Public Bodies

19th June 2023

Members: Advice Note on Distinguishing Between their Strategic Role and any Operational Work

4th March 2022

Members: Advice Note on Bullying and Harassment

6th December 2021

Members: Advice Note on How to Declare Interests

6th December 2021

Members: Advice Note on Social Media

14th February 2024

Members: Advice Note on Relations Between Members and Employees

6th December 2021

Members: Advice Note for Members of Health and Social Care Integration Joint Boards

3rd June 2024

Members: Advice Note on Gifts and Hospitality

22nd December 2021

Members: Advice Note on Conduct During Online Meetings

12th December 2022

Members: Advice Note on Article 10 ECHR

14th December 2023

Members: Summary Advice Note on Article 10 ECHR

21st July 2022