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About Us

The Standards Commission is an independent body whose purpose is to encourage high ethical standards in public life through the promotion and enforcement of Codes of Conduct for councillors and those appointed to the boards of devolved public bodies.

Standards Commission Meetings

Standards Commission Meetings

Members of the Standards Commission meet formally ten times a year to agree strategy and policy, and to monitor performance, risk management and expenditure. Minutes of Standards Commission meetings can be accessed below.

From February 2023, the Standards Commission will hold some of its online meetings in public, via a live webcast. Agendas will be published on this page a week before the meeting and a link to the webcast will be published on this page, about 15 minutes before the meeting is due to start.

The most recent public meeting was held online on Monday, 26 February 2024. The date of the next meeting to be held online and in public will be published here in due course.

When a livestream is in progress, a link will be found here. To view the Meeting, click on the link taking you to the livestream.

Audit & Risk Committee

The Standards Commission is supported by an Audit & Risk Committee, comprising of two members of the Commission. The Audit & Risk Committee meets three times a year and is responsible for helping to ensure that  appropriate corporate governance and risk management procedures, policies and controls are in place and are managed effectively. Minutes of the Audit & Risk Committee can be found here. The Committee's Terms of Reference can be found here.

Human Resources Committee

The Standards Commission is also supported by a Human Resources Committee, again comprising of two Commission members. The Human Resources Committee meets once a year and is responsible for advising the Standards Commission on staffing and human resource arrangements and matters. The Committee's Terms of Reference can be found here.

Date of Meeting Meeting Agenda Minutes (PDF) Minutes (Word)
28/05/2024 Download Agenda Download PDF Download Word
26/03/2024 Download Agenda Download PDF Download Word
26/02/2024 Download Agenda Download PDF Download Word
30/01/2024 Download Agenda Download PDF Download Word
11/12/2023 Download Agenda Download PDF Download Word
13/11/2023 Download Agenda Download PDF Download Word
26/09/2023 Download Agenda Download PDF Download Word
25/07/2023 Download Agenda Download PDF Download Word
26/06/2023 Download Agenda Download PDF Download Word
30/05/2023 - Download PDF Download Word
24/04/2023 - Download PDF Download Word
27/03/2023 - Download PDF Download Word
27/02/2023 - Download PDF Download Word
31/01/2023 - Download PDF Download Word
12/12/2022 - Download PDF Download Word
07/11/2022 - Download PDF Download Word
26/09/2022 - Download PDF Download Word
25/07/2022 - Download PDF Download Word
28/06/2022 - Download PDF Download Word
30/05/2022 - Download PDF Download Word
25/04/2022 - Download PDF Download Word
29/03/2022 - Download PDF Download Word
28/02/2022 - Download PDF Download Word
31/01/2022 - Download PDF Download Word