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Advice Notes & Resources

The Standards Commission provides training and support to councillors, members of devolved public bodies and other stakeholders to promote the Codes of Conduct and assist them in attaining the highest possible ethical standards.

Standards Updates

The Standards Commission's quarterly Standards Updates contain news and information on matters concerning the ethical standards framework, including events being held and work being undertaken.  Details of projects the Standards Commission is involved in and information we have gathered from workshops and training sessions are included.  

The Standards Updates also contain details of recent Hearings including the outcome and any learning points for councillors and members of devolved public bodies.

A brief description of the content of each Standards Update is outlined below. To access a particular Standards Update, please click the download button alongside that entry.


Standards Update 42

Includes information about:

  • Consultation on Proposed Amendments to Ethical Standards Legislation
  • Correspondence to Political Parties
  • Revised Advice Note for Members of IJB’s
  • New Commission Members
  • Updated Councillors’ Code of Conduct Guidance and Dispensation
  • New E-Learning Module: What is Confidential Information?
  • Standards Commission – LinkedIn
  • Advice Note on the Role of a Standards Officer
  • Direction on the Progress of Investigations
  • Appeal against Breach Finding
  • Outcomes of recent Hearings and case referrals

27th June 2024

Standards Update 41

Includes information about:

  • Updated Guidance on the Councillors’ Code of Conduct and Model Code of Conduct
  • Advice Note for Councillors on the Right to Access Information
  • Webinars with Improvement Service
  • Standards Officers’ Workshop
  • Advice Notes on the use of Social Media
  • Outcomes of recent Hearings and case referrals

28th March 2024

Standards Update 40

Includes information about:

  • Strategic Plan 2024-28
  • Update from the ESC
  • Revised Advice Notes on the Right to Freedom of Expression
  • Advice Note for Members of College Boards and Strategic Bodies
  • Advice Note for Councillors on the Right of Access to Information held by the Council
  • Policy on Application of Sanctions
  • Outcomes of recent Hearings and case referrals

20th December 2023

Standards Update 39

Includes information about:

  • Eligibility Criteria for Complaints about Councillors and Members of Devolved Public Bodies
  • Suspension Guidance
  • Update from the ESC
  • Outcomes of recent Hearings and case referrals

28th September 2023

Standards Update 38

Includes information about:

  • Advice Note for Chairs of Public Bodies
  • Response to Consultation on the National Performance Framework
  • New Animated Videos
  • Outcomes of recent Hearings and case referrals

29th June 2023

Standards Update 37

Includes information about:

  • New Standards Commission Members
  • Ethical Standards Commissioner
  • Eligibility Direction
  • Response to Consultation on Electoral Reform
  • Standards Officers’ Workshop
  • Business Plan 2023-24
  • Outcome of recent Hearing and case referrals

30th March 2023

Standards Update 36

Includes information about:

  • New E-Learning Modules
  • Advice Notes for Councillors
  • New Section-by-Section Guidance
  • Making a complaint
  • Standards Officers’ Workshop
  • Renewal of Direction on Outcome of Investigations
  • Outcomes of recent Hearings and case referrals

20th December 2022

Standards Update 35

Includes information about:

  • Responses to Surveys of Members and Standards Officers
  • Revised Hearing Rules
  • Direction to the Ethical Standards Commissioner on the Progress of Investigations
  • Advice Note for Members on Conduct at Online Meetings
  • Outcomes of recent case referrals

29th September 2022

Standards Update 34

Includes information about:

  • Combined Code and Guidance
  • Monitoring Officers’ Workshop 2022
  • Responses to Councillors and Monitoring Officers Surveys
  • Police Scotland - Serious Organised Crime Awareness
  • Summary Advice Note for Councillors on Article 10 of the ECHR
  • Following us on Social Media
  • Standards Commission Glossary
  • Outcomes of recent Hearings and case referrals


30th June 2022

Standards Update 33

Includes information about:

  • Surveys for Monitoring Officers and Councillors
  • Outcome of Appeal to Court of Session
  • New Standards Commission Member
  • Standards Officers’ Workshop
  • Outcomes of recent case referrals

31st March 2022

Standards Update 32

Includes information about:

  • Revised Codes of Conduct & Guidance
  • LA/R/2257 & 3262 Appeal Judgment
  • Monitoring Officers Workshop
  • Outcomes of recent case referrals

20th December 2021

Standards Update 31

Includes information about:

  • Revised Codes of Conduct & Guidance
  • New Standards Commission Convener
  • Annual Report 2020/21
  • Outcomes of recent case referrals

30th September 2021

Standards Update 30

Includes information about:

  • Ethical Standards Commissioner's Revised Strategic Plan 2021-24
  • Review of the Codes of Conduct
  • Section 31 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973
  • Policy on Hearing Adjournment Requests
  • Committee on Standards in Public Life: Standards Matter 2
  • Appeal on Case LA/AC/2276
  • Monitoring Officers’ Workshop
  • Outcome of recent Hearing

30th June 2021

Standards Update 29

Includes information about:

  • Direction on the Eligibility of Complaints
  • Standards Officers’ Workshop
  • Appeal Decision
  • Outcomes of recent Hearings

31st March 2021

Standards Update 28

Includes information about:

  • Direction to the Ethical Standards Commissioner on the Outcome of Investigations
  • Review of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct and the Model Code of Conduct
  • Committee on Standards in Public Life Public Consultation: Standards Matter 2
  • Monitoring Officers’ Workshop
  • Outcomes of recent Hearings

15th December 2020

Standards Update 27

Includes information about:

  • Advice Note for the Public on the Councillors’ Code of Conduct
  • Online Hearings
  • Impact Statements
  • Annual Report 2019/2020
  • Monitoring Officers’ Workshop
  • Outcomes of recent Hearings

30th September 2020

Standards Update 26

Includes information about:

  • Revisions to Advice Notes
  • Direction under Sections 10 and 11 of the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000
  • Online Hearings
  • Review of the Model Code of Conduct
  • Forthcoming Hearings

1st July 2020

Standards Update 25

Includes information about:

  • Impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak
  • Suspension Guidance
  • Police Scotland's Guidance on Serious Organised Crime and Business Exploitation
  • Regional Training Event
  • Review of Codes of Conduct
  • Outcomes of recent decisions/cases

31st March 2020