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This section contains details about Hearings to be held by the Standards Commission and the procedures to be followed. It also contains information about decisions the Standards Commission has made and any interim suspensions in place. The section also contains information for individuals who are the subject of a Hearing (Respondents).

No Action Decisions and Further Investigations

Information can be found in the table below about cases referred to the Standards Commission where the decision has been made to either:

  • direct the Ethical Standards Commissioner (ESC) to carry out further investigations; or
  • take no action.

In cases where the decision has been taken to direct the ESC to carry out further investigations, no 'Written Decision' document will be available for download.

Information on cases where the Standards Commission has held a Hearing, or is to hold a Hearing, can be found under 'Cases - Forthcoming Hearings and Hearing Decisions'. 

Information about No Action Decisions will be kept for five years from the date of the Standards Commission’s full written decision. After this, details about the case will be removed from the website and will no longer be available, in line with the Standards Commission’s Document Retention Schedule.

Media Information

Information on the Standards Commission and its Hearings can be found in our media information sheet, which is accessible from the homepage. All media enquiries should be directed to: 

Standards Commissions Scotland
Case Ref. Decision on Referral Date of Decision Respondent(s) Organisation Relevant section(s) of Code Written Decision
LA/E/3542 No action 25/04/22 Councillor City of Edinburgh Council

Paragraph 20 of Annex C 

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LA/Fi/3544 No action 12/04/22 Councillors Fife Council

Paragraphs 5.7, 7.4 and 7.23 (2018 Code)

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LA/DG/3514 No action 07/04/22 Councillor Dumfries & Galloway Council

Paragraphs 3.2 and 3.6

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LA/E/3589 No action 21/03/22 Councillor City of Edinburgh Council

Paragraphs 3.2 and 3.7

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LA/AB/3533 No action 21/03/22 Councillor Argyll & Bute Council

Paragraph 3.2

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LA/SL/3575 No action 14/03/22 Councillor South Lanarkshire Council

Paragraph 3.1

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LA/G/3637 No action 08/03/22 Councillor Glasgow City Council

Paragraph 3.2

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LA/G/3548 No action 08/03/22 Councillor Glasgow City Council

Paragraph 3.2

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LA/NA/3586 No action 07/03/22 Councillor North Ayrshire Council

Paragraphs 3.2, 3.6 and 6.3

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LA/H/3515 No action 07/03/22 Councillor Highland Council

Paragraph 3.17

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LA/AC/3592 No action 28/01/22 Councillor Aberdeen City Council

Paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 and 3.7

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LA/AC/3545 No action 15/12/21 Councillors Aberdeen City Council

Paragraph 3.2

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LA/DG/3577 No action 09/12/21 Councillor Dumfries & Galloway Council

Paragraph 3.2

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LA/Fi/3526 No action 08/12/21 Councillor Fife Council

Paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 and 3.5

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LA/AB/3573 No action 18/11/21 Councillor Argyll & Bute Council

Paragraph 3.3

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