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About Us

The Standards Commission is an independent body whose purpose is to encourage high ethical standards in public life through the promotion and enforcement of Codes of Conduct for councillors and those appointed to the boards of devolved public bodies.

News and Blog

Amended Councillors' Code of Conduct

9th July 2018

The Scottish Government has just published an amended version of the Councillors' Code of Conduct, as agreed by the Scottish Parliament. The amended Code can be found at One of the main changes is the inclusion of a new paragraph 3.6, which states that bullying and harassment are unacceptable and will be considere...

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June 2018 Professional Briefing

29th June 2018

Our latest quarterly professional briefing note can be found here.

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Response to Committee on Standards in Public Life's Review of Ethical Standards in Local Government in England

17th May 2018

The Standards Commission recently submitted a response to the Committee on Standards in Public Life’s consultation on ethical standards in local government in England.  We hope our submission is of assistance to the Committee for comparative purposes. The Standards Commission welcomed the opportunity to provide a response as it prompted us to undertake a review into what we think works well and also not so well in respect of the provisions in place in Scotland, and...

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British Sign Language Event reminder

15th May 2018

A reminder that the Scottish Parliament and Officeholders (including the Standards Commission) are holding an drop-in event for British Sign Language users at the Parliament to seek views on our BSL Plans. The event will be on Friday, 18 May from 14:00 - 17:00 and on Saturday, 19 May from 10:00 - 12:00.  All welcome! Poster2.pdf

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BSL Video on role of the Standards Commission

11th May 2018

The Scottish Parliament has produced a BSL video containing information about the roles of the different officeholders, including the Standards Commission, supported by the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.  The video can be found here.

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Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board Members' Workshop 24 Sept 2018

8th May 2018

We are holding a workshop on the Codes of Conduct for Members of Health and Social Care Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) in Edinburgh on the morning of Monday 24 September 2018.  The workshop will include training and discussions on issues such as how to balance responsibilities to different organisations, identifying and declaring conflicts of interest and maintaining confidentiality.  A full programme for this half day event will be circulated in due course.  If you are...

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Advice Note for Councillors on Distinguishing between their Strategic Role and any Operational Work

2nd May 2018

The Standards Commission has produced an Advice Note for councillors which is aimed at helping elected members to distinguish between their strategic role and any operational work.  The Advice Note also suggests issues that councillors should consider in order for them to ensure they undertake their scrutiny role effectively, while still complying with the provisions regarding relationships with employees and decision-making in the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. T...

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New Standards Commission Member appointed

1st May 2018

We are pleased to announce that the Scottish Parliament approved the appointment of a new Member of the Standards Commission, Mr Paul Walker, on 26 April 2018. Mr Walker will commence in post on 7 May 2018.   Mr Walker is a University of Glasgow history graduate, who has also a MBA degree from Strathclyde University, and re-trained many years later in law, started his career in the civil service and local government. He joined later the respected business organisation CBI Sco...

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Standards Commission - BSL Plan

19th April 2018

The Scottish Parliament and independent Officeholders' British Sign Language Plans - BSL Video The Scottish Parliament is holding an open event at the Scottish Parliament building to provide information about our BSL plans and to provide a opportunity to get the views of BSL users.  As an independent officeholder the Standards Commission will have a stall at this event. Details about the event can be found

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Proposed changes to the Councillors' Code of Conduct

6th April 2018

Scottish Minister propose amending the Councillors' Code of Conduct to to add an explicit reference to bullying and harassment, and to amend the provisions on declarations of interest in relation to councillors who are also members of Regional Transport Partnerships.  The amended Code can be found on the Scottish Government's website at: The Standards Commissi...

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