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About Us

The Standards Commission is an independent body whose purpose is to encourage high ethical standards in public life through the promotion and enforcement of Codes of Conduct for councillors and those appointed to the boards of devolved public bodies.

News and Blog

Consultation on the Councillors' Code of Conduct

12th December 2016

The Scottish Government is today launching a consultation on the Councillors Code of Conduct.  The purpose of the consultation is to seek views on possible changes to the Code’s provisions on conflicts of interest as regards councillors who are also members of other public bodies such as Regional Transport Partnerships..   The Consultation can be accessed at:

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New Convener Appointed

28th November 2016

The Standards Commission for Scotland is pleased to announce that Professor Kevin Dunion OBE has been appointed by the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body to be the new Convener of the Standards Commission as of 1 February 2017. Professor Dunion commenced his appointment as a Member of the Standards Commission on 1 September 2015.  As well as having chaired and participated in a number of Hearings of the Standards Commission since his appointment as a Member, Professor Dunion al...

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Advice Note for Councillors on ALEOs

29th September 2016

We are grateful to those who took part in the Standards Commission's recent consultation on its draft Advice Note for councillors who are nominated or appointed to ALEOs and for the very helpful comments and suggestions received. The Advice Note has now been finalised and can be found here. It is hoped that this can be used as an additional reso...

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Feedback on the Hearings Survey

3rd August 2016

Review of feedback from the Hearing Survey and the Standards Commission's comments are available to view at the following link Hearing Survey - Report. 

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Survey on the Hearing Process

27th May 2016

We are keen to ensure that we reflect best practice and are continually striving to improve our processes in respect of how we manage and conduct Hearings.  If you are someone who has attended a Hearing and/or has been involved in the process within the past 6 months (commencing January 2016), we are interested in your views and feedback on the different aspects of the Hearing. We would, therefore, be grateful if you would consider completing a short survey, which is broken down i...

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Health and Social Care IJBs - Standards Officer Appointments

2nd March 2016

The Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 (Register of Interests) Regulations 2003 requires the Standards Commission to approve the Standards Officer of devolved public bodies, where that body has no employees. This applies to Health & Social Care Integration Joint Boards(IJBs). The Standards Commission has agreed an approval process with the Scottish Government’s Directorate for Health and Social Care Integration, under which the Chief Officers of IJBs&nb...

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