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About Us

The Standards Commission is an independent body whose purpose is to encourage high ethical standards in public life through the promotion and enforcement of Codes of Conduct for councillors and those appointed to the boards of devolved public bodies.

News and Blog

A Councillor's Responsibilities to the Council as a Member of the Public

16th August 2017

A councillor has responsibilities to his or her Council both as a elected member and as a member of the public. The Councillors' Code of Conduct notes, at paragraph 3.20, that if a councillor is in two months' arrears with payment of Council tax that councillor may not participate in certain decisions concerning Council tax issues, in order to preserve public confide...

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Advice for Councillors on How to Declare Interests

8th August 2017

The Standards Commission has produced an Advice Note, which aims to provide advice to councillors on how and when to declare an interest at meetings. The Councillors’ Code of Conduct identifies and outlines the types of interest that must be declared and the Standards Commission has produced Guidance on how the provisions in the Councillors’ Code of Conduct should be interpreted.  The Advice Note does not, therefore, repeat advice about what interests require to be declared a...

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Consultation on Draft Advice Note on Application of Article 10

2nd August 2017

The issue of how to apply Article 10 of the ECHR concerning freedom of expression in light of the provisions  in the Councillors’ Code of Conduct has arisen in a number of recent Hearings before the Standards Commission.  The Standards Commission considers it would be helpful, therefore, to produce an Advice Note on how it will deal with such cases and to also suggest issues councillors and members of devolved public bodies may wish to consider to help them comply with the cou...

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Application of Article 10 of ECHR at Hearings of the Standards Commission

30th June 2017

The Standards Commission, at a recent hearing, determined that two councillors of Edinburgh City Council who had publicly identified staff in public, in the context of Council failings of project management, had not breached the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. This was because of the enhanced protection afforded by the European Convention on Human Rights.  The case is considered to be of particular significance as the Standards Commission outlined the approach its Hearing Panels will...

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Updated Standard Presentation to Board Members

5th June 2017

The Standards Commission has updated its Standard Presentation for Board Members on the Members' Model Code of Conduct. This can be found under Training on the Education & Resources Menu or by clicking the link below: Standard Presentation to Board Members

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9th May 2017

The Standards Commission has launched its Twitter account!  Follow us @StandardsScot for news about our work, including Hearings, events and training. The Standards Commission's Twitter account can be found here.

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Updated Standard Presentation to Elected Members

1st May 2017

The Standards Commission has updated its Standard Presentation for Elected Members on the Councillors' Code of Conduct. This can be found under Training on the Education & Resources Menu or by clicking the link below: Standard Presentation to Elected Members on the Councillors' Code of Conduct

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Appointment of New Commission Member

7th April 2017

The Standards Commission is pleased to announce that Mrs Patricia Stewart took up her appointment as a Member of the Standards Commission on 1 April 2017.  Mrs Stewart was appointed to replace Mr Matt Smith, whose tenure ended on 31 March 2017.   Mrs Stewart is currently also a Director of Peridot International Ltd, a consultancy focusing on project management, management and HR consultancy. Mrs Stewart has over 25 years’ experience in senior management...

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New Member of the Commission - Mr Michael McCormick

16th February 2017

The Standards Commission is pleased to announce that Mr Michael McCormick was appointed as a Member of the Standards Commission on 1 February 2017. Mr McCormick is currently also a Non-Executive Director on the Board of NHS 24 and he periodically performs the role of selector at assessment centres operated by the College of Policing. Mr McCormick previously competed thirty years in policing in Scotland, serving with Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary, Lo...

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How Councils Work - Follow Up Report Nov 2016

14th December 2016

In November 2016 the Accounts Commission issued a follow up Report on roles and working relationships in councils aimed at supporting councillors and officers in ensuring their Council's governance arrangements remain fit for purpose. The follow up Report can be found here.

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